Natural Feminine Healing.

A step by step, fully guided healing program into deep feminine embodiment.

Go from burnout to flowstate in 6 weeks.

Feminine Energy Healing

Dear Feminine Woman,

Do you crave to be the most magnetically radiant woman you've ever been? By tapping into a steady stream of overflowing

self-love that comes from deep within and without relying on anything external for your peace, happiness, and fulfillment?

The Restorative Practices Of The Natural Feminine Energy Program

Learn the art of masculine and feminine breath practices for clearing 'heavy' emotions on demand.

Precise prayer and affirmation for claiming and calling in the deeper visions of your True Feminine Heart.

Uncover your own unique feminine soul expression, creativity, and gifts.

Tap into your own intuition + feminine flow to guide you along your most fulfilling path.

Visualization + meditation to develop natural, feminine creative gifts and expression.

Feminine emotional intelligence and intimacy for a deeper connection with self and others.

Clearing the 'sister wound' to co-create harmony and never be insecure in relating to other women again.

Weekly guided feminine energy flow lessons that exercise with each mentioned above.


In 6 weeks, we deepen our connection to our natural feminine energy and ignite our organic radiance

without leaving the comfort of your home.


  • Had the ability to self-regulate emotional stress and baggage on the spot. Bye, bye debilitating emotional "triggers" that block our natural feminine radiance.

  • Developed healthy masculine energy so that you could decide your personal values and express healthy boundaries without anxiety.

  • Felt the stable confidence and poise that comes from deeply grounding into your sacred feminine energy.

  • Could eliminate the fears that hold you back from truly being intimate with yourself and others without the feeling of insecurity to shine your inner light


  • Could finally let go of the energy of the past hurt and resentment from failed relationships and disappointments that keep you from creating something new in your life.

  • Never went back to old patterns of protection that keep you and your loved ones stuck in a loop of emotional highs and lows.

  • Could deeply, soften, open, and nourish your own heart to exceed and fulfill your own emotional needs.

  • Emanated such a deep glow of feminine radiance that you melted cold hearts effortlessly, just by being your authentic self.

  • Stopped comparing yourself to other women and saw them as just as worthy as you are.

  • Took such attentive care of your own emotional needs and nervous system that you no longer relied on anything external to feel good.

  • Had the ability to use your natural, magnetic feminine energy to magnetize Divine people, circumstances, and opportunities to you.

  • Had such a strong sense of intuition that you softened into the unknown and welcomed gentle personal growth along the path.

  • And felt so Divinely confident that you never needed external validation again.

Natural Feminine Energy Program...

A 6-week, online feminine self care immersion to assist you in deepening your relationship to the masculine and God, heal your feminine heart, tap into your organic feminine energy, nouris your nervous system, heal the relationship to your body + mind, enhance intuition, plus building resilience against emotional triggers.


This course was created for women who know the value of restoring their natural feminine energy. For the women who wishes to embody a deeper more fulfilling expression and no longer let stress pile up. This course is for women craving a deeper love and Divine self confidence. For the woman in devotion to alogning with the will of God yet setting beautiful intentions.

Diving Into These Topics...

True Heart Vs Shadow


Precise Prayer and Conscious Language.

Masculine + Feminine Energy Within

(Feminine Magnetism)

Feminine Flow State and Intuition

Your Personal Divine Vision

Meeting Your Natural Feminine Gifts

Meditation (Finding The Zero Point Within)

Feminine Emotional Intelligence

Healing The Sister Wound

Natural Feminine Energy Program

Igniting Your Natural Magnetism To Gain Confidence In Your Organic, Feminine Expression.

By the end of the 6 weeks, you will be fully embodied and confident in the natural, healing feminine energy of your heart- absolutely certain of its divine value. You will be gracefully navigating + transmuting emotional triggers on the spot, looking and feeling radiant and more relaxed than ever!



This course is not for someone who identifies as an “atheist”. I believe that God/Source is the loving Divine Creative Intelligence that flows through all. During this course, you will begin to see the flow of this love everywhere. We honor and respect all religious beliefs however, this course is not religious.

The feminine woman who’s discovered her authentic expression and value through her true heart needs nothing else. She knows that the Divine way of manifesting her most fulfilling path in this short life is to create the time and space to nourish her feminine energy and heal her connection to her soft yet powerful heart. As we cultivate our connection to our natural femininity, inner guidance, and flow, we can take aligned and intuitive action, efficiently, without stress towards what inspires us. When we do this regularly, we create the power to see our sacred heart vision's earth-side and in Divine timing.

You Get This Program Plus

Guided Natural Feminine Energy Flow Classes

all from the comfort & privacy of your own home.

"Natural Feminine Energy Flow" Classes

(The Classes Are Fully Guided & Pre-recorded)

"Breath Flow"

is the more yin (or restful) approach for feminine healing. Using guided breath therapy, we relax the body, destress the nervous system, and deepen into the heart space to free the flow of feminine energy, naturally.

Relax, unwind, and let go of stagnant energy.


is more yang (or active) in nature. Get guided while practicing your feminine expression through voice activations, intention setting, intuitive movement, guided visualization, journaling for planting new seeds in the garden of your heart and increasing your organic feminine magnetism.

Express, create and call in fresh energy.


-Custom audio meditations


-528 Hrtz sound healing audio's

-Book club

-Conscious music playlist for music lovers

-Healing prayer songs and mantras

-Somatic practice, and yin movement.

-“Youthing Facial" I have been an esthetician for over a decade and I

pre-recoded my personal favorite follow-along "youthing" facial routine

PLUS you get access to my "angelic beauty meditation" to infuse your cells with magnetic feminine radiance.


I have been working with women for over a decade. I created my first beauty salon business ( a lash and brow salon) in Hawaii, where I was born a raised when I was 22 years old. I saw all kinds of women from all different walks of life, all colors, backgrounds, and ages. For 10 + years I had worked intimately with women, I was their beauty therapist and got to know them deeply. As I tended to their external beauty goals throughout the years, I naturally became emotional support for many of them. They shared with me intimate details about their lives, personal struggles, and challenges. I would listen to their stories for hours a day. Looking back, I have found that we may perceive differences but in many ways, we are similar.

Each woman has experienced an imbalance of patriarchal conditioning and as a result, we also have similar struggles, insecurities, and fears. We also share similar hopes and dreams, we just express them differently. Each woman yearns for love, safety, security, and confidence. Society has conditioned us to search for these things outside of ourselves but I have discovered, after much tribulation and experimentation, that they are experienced from within.

I believe that each woman has a uniquely deep and feminine heart and with that, Divine gifts that she is meant to uncover and share. I believe that the feeling of safety within one's own natural feminine expression and deeply open and attuned heart space is a micro-expression of the arrival of Heaven On Earth. When women feel safe, grounded, and anchored into their natural feminine expression, their own unique & feminine heart, we can better discern the voice of God, who is always guiding us.

In my earlier years, my perception of a beautiful, feminine woman was quite shallow and superficial. At age 24, I had a spontaneous spiritual awakening during a private meditation class. It was an experience that changed the course of my entire life. During that session, I completely dissolved into nothing but blissful, orgasmic energy.

It was as if I was everything and nothing at the same time, it was


I fell into a timeless place that felt like eternal, immense beauty and pleasure. It was a place within my very own heart of such peace, unconditional love & acceptance that when I finally became fully aware again, I immediately wanted to go back to the place where I was nothing, the place that felt like home. After that, I dove deep into learning all I could about my deep feminine heart.

How was it that I experienced such fulfilling, captivating, and multidimensional beauty within my very own heart? This was the aspect of me that I was conditioned to reject and abandon all my life. That meant the connection to my heart was the answer.

From that moment on, I made a commitment to restoring my connection to my deep feminine heart, making quality time for God, and softening into my natural feminine design. Now, I find joy in nurturing the connection to my heart space and healthy feminine energy, preserving it, growing it, sharing it, and guiding other women just like you to return to their feminine heart.

Doing so has revealed to me an inner queendom that no one can ever take away and that I can always return to. I am no longer plagued by anxiety and depression. I no longer feel as though I am a burden. I no longer feel as though I don't belong. I am no longer searching externally.

I have completely transformed my heart and mind with these organic feminine principles and holistic practices that I would like to share with you.

-Olivia Michelle


  • You might be feeling dull or stressed.

  • You crave to be both confident and emotionally balanced.


  • You want to not only look beautiful but feel radiant on the inside.


  • You are ready to unload of the conditioning of the shadow ego and finally step into your natural birthright, your truest feminine heart.


  • You want an all-women community and online safe space to rest in your natural, feminine energy and express your gifts while being fully supported, guided, and celebrated the entire way.

Each woman is unique and within her true heart is her soul's organic expression, her original sacred beauty. Until she dives deep into her heart to reveal her organic expression, she will be living others people’s dreams for her and this will cause her suffering. We are only here for a short amount of time, this nourishing inner feminine work reaps the rewards of lifetimes and for future generations.



Trisha M. (Yoga Instructor & Nursing Student)

"The best thing I liked about the program was the community. It's so hard to find

a sacred safe space to fully express myself and my thoughts and I am so grateful for the sisterhood that came out of this program. A big win for me during the program was tapping into my kingdom consciousness for the first time and now knowing how to access it. But most importantly developing a better relationship with God and myself. I feel greater control over my emotions and trust/faith within myself which was something I have always wanted to master. It is still a work in progress but I have progressed so much since I started this program.I would tell anyone that this program is absolutely life changing.I have never felt so safe, loved, accepted and supported. Olivia is absolutely divine, intuitive, sincere, and amazing. I am so grateful for this program and I just know it will help so many other women out there as well."


Hayley M. (Massage Therapist)

"What I liked best about the course was the chat support group. I felt so deeply seen and supported in my expansion every moment of the 6weeks.Before taking this course I was drowning - feeling heavy, isolated, unsafe, distrust in life, victim to ancestral trauma and terrified of being judged. After? Im surfing - feel loved, light, connected, intuitive, deep peace, One with the flow of life and empowered by divine guidance. The biggest positive difference for me is feeling empowered to maintain a regulated nervous system. The BIGGEST WIN- Devotion to self validation & healing and overcoming the need for external validation! If you are feeling called to this course and feeling any resistance reach out to Olivia for questions and clarity. Olivia has such divine mother energy and always leads with the best interest of your True Heart. In a time when I didn't trust myself, I'm so glad I trusted Olivia, the sisters and this course to remember my divinity and connect with my True Heart."


Tania V. (Family Doctor)

"The RESOURCES that were provided have been monumental. It would have taken me years to naturally come across or find these resources on my own (videos, songs, meditations, books). But Olivia provides them on a silver platter for us in this program and they ALL align right with the work/wisdom that my soul yearns for. Also the skills that she teaches us (breathwork, meditations, prayer techniques, etc) have given me tangible TOOLS to actively step towards my heart. The value of this training is way beyond what she charges.I participated in the program right at the time that I was shifting careers and locations. With these changes, I was confronted with a lot of internal fear and shadows but the teachings and SUPPORT of the program really helped me use my challenges as a pathway to the light. It got me through. The biggest positive difference is that I feel focused, and organized... like the pathway is lighted now. I feel guided and armed with the tools to walk forwards. *Don't wait! You will NOT regret INVESTING in yourself. This is the best money I have ever spent."

Video Testimonials

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